Natural Refrigerants – U.S. Considerations - UNIDO ATMOsphere Technology Summit

published Jun 06, 2013 - 12 pages

Caleb Nelson's presentation begins by looking at US demand for alternative refrigerants, where CO2 is becoming very common, despite there being no HFC legislation, tax or production quotas. CO2 transcritical installations are only being planned in the Northern US States, but CO2/NH3 systems are being installed further South. Caleb's conclusion is that NH3/CO2 is an efficient option to obtain 100% natural refrigeration in virt

Caleb Nelson's presentation begins by looking at US demand for alternative refrigerants, where CO2 is becoming very common, despite there being no HFC legislation, tax or production quotas. CO2 transcritical installations are only being planned in the Northern US States, but CO2/NH3 systems are being installed further South. Caleb's conclusion is that NH3/CO2 is an efficient option to obtain 100% natural refrigeration in virtually in any country/climate, and CO2 transcritical use in warmer developing countries could expand— where waste heat is usable.


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