All you need to know
Today, the Internet is the first source of reference for finding products and solutions. has become an established source of information for ammonia refrigeration technologies and is consulted daily by decision makers in policy and industry around the world in search for latest innovations and market trends. Technical experts are coming to to look for detailed information on ammonia products and systems, researchers and companies come to find business partners and opportunities. All this is offered in the unique combination of NEWS & PRODUCTS .
Concretely, can help you to:
We are the world's leading industry platform for ammonia refrigeration technology. The greatest asset we have is our fast growing and loyal audience of decision makers in business, academia and public authorities. has thousands of targeted page views which constantly increase, attracted by new partners joining and new functions and new content being added every day. With a growing number of returning readers and active members, spending more and more time on
News and updates on reach regularly a network of 40,000+ HVAC&R experts globally. Moreover, every single article, product or event on can easily be shared through social media to generate engagement from a wider audience
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