Optimising heat recovery by integrating industrial heat pumps with other energy systems

published May 08, 2014 - 6 pages

Presented at the first Energy for Sustainability Multidisciplinary Conference (EfS) organised in Coimbra (Portugal) on September 8-10, 2013, GEA's Kenneth Hoffmann presented a paper detailing how industrial heat pumps in combination with biomass/waste CHP, waste heat recovery, and heating technologies – can optimise total system performance, minimise system performance and maximise energy output kg of fuel..

Presented at the first Energy for Sustainability Multidisciplinary Conference (EfS) organised in Coimbra (Portugal) on September 8-10, 2013, GEA's Kenneth Hoffmann presented a paper detailing how industrial heat pumps in combination with biomass/waste CHP, waste heat recovery, and heating technologies – can optimise total system performance, minimise system performance and maximise energy output kg of fuel..


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