The NatRefs Show: Episode 72!

This episode covers natural refrigerant policy and market updates in 2019.

Brought to you by shecco Media, the NatRefs Show provides a round-up of the most important natural refrigerants news from the websites and

In this episode shecco’s North American Editor Michael Garry is joined by Marie Battesti, from shecco’s Brussels-based market development team, and Charlotte McLaughlin, multimedia reporter for shecco.

Battesti covers the global HFC policy predictions for the year, addressing the upcoming HFC bans that are coming in 2019 under the European Union's F-Gas Regulation.

Later, Garry delves into what, if anything, the U.S. is doing regarding HFC policy and how he sees the market developing for low-charge ammonia refrigeration in North America.

We’d love to hear your feedback as we improve the show. Contact us at Happy listening!

By Charlotte McLaughlin

Jan 14, 2019, 17:44

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