Winery leads the way to sustainability with NH3

By Sabine Lobnig, Nov 05, 2010, 12:49 2 minute reading

Taylors Wines, a family owned business producing the world’s first 100% carbon neutral wine range, has been honoured at Australia's most prestigious sustainability awards - the 2010 Banksia Environmental Awards. The company was the only winery to be recognised for its environmental friendly attributes, including its ammonia refrigeration system.

Producers expect consumers to change their purchasing habit and to buy wine not for its price range but instead for its environmental impact. Taylors Wines Environmental Ambassador, Clinton Taylor proudly accepted the award for “Leading in Sustainability - Setting the Standard for Small to Medium Businesses” at this year’s edition of Australia's most prestigious sustainability awards - the 2010 Banksia Environmental Awards in Sydney on October 15.

Earlier this year Taylors Wines were awarded $550,000 by the Australian funding scheme to convert to a climate-friendly ammonia refrigeration system, providing the company with a more sustainable refrigeration future.

As the first company in Australia to achieve ISO14001 accreditation using the Eco-Mapping tools, Taylors wines have implemented a number of environmental initiatives including:
  • Using energy efficient ammonia refrigeration system that is expected to result in a 35% energy saving for the same refrigeration capacity.
  • Installing a water recycling facility that recycles 100 per cent of the waste water for re-use in the vineyards while straw spreading and computer controlled drip-fed irrigation lines help to minimise water consumption.
  • Using O-I's new Lean+Green glass which is 40 per cent lighter than the original glass and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by more than 15 per cent.
  • Organic cultivation practices such as the introduction of sheep into the vineyards to naturally graze and reduce pesticide usage
The wine industry is changing and producers expect consumers to purchase wine not for its price range but instead for its environmental impact. Another producer from New Zealand, Mobius Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc will be the first to display its carbon emissions on their labels. Their carbon emissions, measured to calculate their environmental impact considers two major factors of transportation and refrigeration measured separately for each different export market.

Craig Fowles, sustainability and compliance coordinator at The New Zealand Wine Company, which produces Mobius, says; 'Price is still the number one factor for consumers. Ethics and the environment are lower priorities. But after the recession, people will be looking for products that give them a warm fuzzy feeling.'

Taylors Wines environmental ambassador, Clinton Taylor, says; "As a family winery we take a long term view of our business and place great importance on protecting the environment for future generations.

About the Award
The Banksia Environmental awards are recognised as Australia’s prestigious environmental awards and acknowledge those who demonstrate excellence, dedication and leadership in building a sustainable future.


By Sabine Lobnig

Nov 05, 2010, 12:49

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