GL conference Sydney: Keynote Speakers & Early Bird expiring

By Sabine Lobnig, Feb 22, 2010, 11:45 2 minute reading

The 9th Gustav Lorentzen conference on Natural Working Fluids to be held in Sydney has announced its keynote speakers: Norway’s Petter Nekså and Macedonia’s Risto Ciconkov will discuss the potential, challenges and solutions for the uptake of natural refrigerants. Early bird registration for the event supported by will expire this week.

As official media partner will report live from the event taking place in Sydney, Australia between 12 and 14 April 2010. Placing a heavy emphasis on natural refrigerants, including ammonia, as a real alternative solution, two highly respected experts in this field have been named as keynote speakers for the conference.

P. Nekså and R. Ciconkov announced as keynote speakers

Risto Ciconkov, professor at the Ss. Cyril and Methodious University in Macedonia, will talk about the state of play of natural refrigerants in developing countries. He will discuss the reasons why natural refrigerants are limited to only a small number of applications in these countries and elaborate on the need for technical and financial support in order to facilitate a widespread successful adoption of natural refrigerants in developing countries. Risto Ciconkov has fulfilled numerous roles for the IIR and other prestigious organisations. He has been nominated as an international expert of UNEP and UNIDO on ozone portfolio projects.

Petter Nekså, a senior research scientist at SINTEF Energy Research in Trondheim, Norway, will speak about CO2 as a refrigerant, give an overview of the historic development and will elaborate on future potential of and challenges faced by natural refrigerants. Author of about 100 reports and publications within the area of refrigeration engineering, Petter Nekså has held some high-profile roles, including serving on the UNEP Refrigeration Technical Options Committee.

Early Bird discount until 28 February

Those who register until the 28 February can get a 300-400 Australian dollar (approx. 200-260 euro) early bird reduction. Different conference rates are applying for speaker/authors, IIR/AIRAH members, students or regular delegates and vary between 990 and 2,550 Australian dollar and include coffee breaks, lunches, 2 cocktail receptions, conference banquet and entertainment.

About Gustav Lorentzen and the GL Conference

The conference is named in honour of Norwegian Scientist and engineer Gustav Lorentzen who rediscovered how CO2 could be used as a refrigerant in a simple and efficient way in heating and cooling applications. Despite its initial focus on CO2, the GL Conference has established itself as a leading event to explore latest scientific progress as regards different natural refrigerants.

This is the first time this one of a kind conference will be held the southern hemisphere, following previous successful events in Denmark (Copenhagen) 2008, Norway (Trondheim) 2006, UK (Glasgow) 2004, China (Guangzhou) 2002, USA (Purdue) 2000, Norway (Oslo) 1998, Denmark (Aarhus) 1996 and Germany (Hannover) 1994.


By Sabine Lobnig

Feb 22, 2010, 11:45

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