By GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies, published Jan 25, 2022
A proven performer becomes even better: Higher temperatures, an enhanced capacity range, best-in-class efficiencies, increased sustainability at lower total costs – the new GEA RedGenium heat pump has it all. With additional reciprocating compressor models now available, foremost the brand- new GEA Grasso V XHP series, the GEA RedGenium is now suitable for a wider variety of industries and an even more diverse set of applications calling for greater capacity and temperatures up to +95°
The GEA RedGenium is a compact heat pump for small to medium and up to slightly higher heat loads. At its heart are now three different reciprocating compressor series completing a total range of 11 models.
The brand-new GEA Grasso V XHP reciprocating compressor series features four super-efficient sizes. They provide twice the capacity than the existing types and a maximum supply temperature of +95 °C making the GEA RedGenium the only standard reciprocating heat pump to reach this temperature level. Thanks to the large temperature and pressure lift that V XHP technology allows, the series is fit for combined refrigeration and heating applications as well as for heating only using low-temperature heat sources, from cold environments for example.
The existing, efficient GEA Grasso V HP reciprocating compressor line remains available in three different sizes – the perfect, cost-effective match for medium capacity applications up to +70 °C supply temperature.
The implementation of the proven GEA Grasso 5 HP line, featuring four small-sized models, enables the GEA RedGenium to be efficiently used for smaller heat loads and temperature levels of up to +80 °C.
Aligned to the successful GEA BluGenium chiller design and equipped with heat exchangers configured and optimized according to each project’s requirements, the GEA RedGenium utilizes low ammonia charges and occupies a small footprint while delivering reliable efficiency.
Thanks to the enhanced supply temperature and capacity range, GEA RedGenium heat pumps are used in industrial applications where process heat is needed or fed into a local or district heating network.
Every GEA RedGenium can use any liquid heat source up to +50°C, for example wastewater, surface water and ground water, or with a liquid secondary refrigerant for combined cooling and heating applications. The GEA Grasso V HP and the new V XHP models even allow heat sources below zero providing secondary refrigerant outlet temperatures down to -10°C for combined refrigeration demands.
Alternatively, all GEA RedGenium heat pumps can be equipped with a cascade evaporator, directly charged with hot ammonia gas from a refrigeration plant, to efficiently recover waste heat.
Sec. refrigerant +27/+22 °C, heat carrier +50/+70 °C
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