Ammonia as the Sustainable Refrigerant: An Ammonia-Halocarbon Comparison

published Mar 27, 2009 - 40 pages

When contemplating the question “Should our facility utilize an ammonia or halocarbon refrigeration system?” an owner should perform a detailed financial analysis of the two systems. The first cost difference of the two systems may be easily returned via the savings in operating costs and the long term benefits can be significant. For the example Case Study, the original investment of $208,000 for an ammonia system resulted in a simple pay-back of about 1.7 years and a total savings

When contemplating the question “Should our facility utilize an ammonia or halocarbon refrigeration system?” an owner should perform a detailed financial analysis of the two systems. The first cost difference of the two systems may be easily returned via the savings in operating costs and the long term benefits can be significant. For the example Case Study, the original investment of $208,000 for an ammonia system resulted in a simple pay-back of about 1.7 years and a total savings of about $4.9 million over 20 years. In general the following rules of thumb apply for a distribution facility application: Less than 50,000 sq. ft. refrigerated space, halocarbon split circuit systems are normally accepted. A 50,000 to 200,000 sq. ft. refrigerated space, both halocarbon split circuit systems and central ammonia systems are common. Over 200,000 sq. ft. refrigerated space, central ammonia refrigeration systems are most common.


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