IOR Annual Conference 2016: "Emissions, Energy and Eco Design"

Feb 18, 2016 - Feb 18, 2016 - in Birmingham, United Kingdom

On 18th February the Institute of Refrigeration annual conference will explore how energy and emission saving in component and system design are being achieved. It will focus on the impact of refrigerant choice (driven by new F Gas Regulation), design standards (changing requirements of European Safety Standards, such as the proposed revisions to EN378), meeting and exceeding efficiency targets (driven by the Ecodesign Directive), and international policy (proposed amendments to Montreal Protoco

On 18th February the Institute of Refrigeration annual conference will explore how energy and emission saving in component and system design are being achieved. It will focus on the impact of refrigerant choice (driven by new F Gas Regulation), design standards (changing requirements of European Safety Standards, such as the proposed revisions to EN378), meeting and exceeding efficiency targets (driven by the Ecodesign Directive), and international policy (proposed amendments to Montreal Protocol). It will also look at the opportunities offered by the role of new emerging markets (recycled/recovery/efficiency inspections, overseas developments and facilitating new technologies.)


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