RV Cooling Tech installs water condensing EcoPack Chillers in slaughterhouse

By Silvia Scaldaferri, Dec 10, 2015, 15:05 2 minute reading

RV Cooling Tech delivered five chillers for a slaughterhouse in order to update the old refrigeration system to a natural refrigerant system.

The EcoPack is a glycol chiller unit that uses environmentally friendly R717 (NH3/ammonia) as the refrigerant. The chillers have a compact design which incorporate heat exchangers in their closed ammonia circuit to condense the ammonia by means of water, working with very low charges of refrigerant.

This project took place in Norway. The client wanted to update the system to ammonia to avoid the use of freon and reduce the energy consumption; they are currently commissioning the 5th chiller," commented Mikel Diaz, Sales, RV Cooling Tech.

The EcoPack is equipped with a safety housing suitable for outdoor installation and optionally supplied with neutralizer to dissolve the ammonia leaks and make it harmless. Typical applications for the EcoPack include cooling chambers within the meat, fruit and vegetable, dairy and seafood industries, as well as breweries.

Twenty standard models of the EcoPack cover capacities from 100 kW to 900 kW, with a cooling liquid temperature outlet range from -6°C to -14°C. The EcoPack is completely assembled and tested at the RV Cooling Tech factory, facilitating a quick installation process on-site.

Standard packages include the following main features:

  • Natural refrigerant ammonia R717 (ODP=0 and GWP=0)
  • Low refrigerant charge (between 15 and 100kg)
  • Compressor speed variatior
  • Optional total and partial heat recovery
  • Oil recovery
  • Safety housing (optional NH3 neutralizer)


  • Very high efficiency (COP>6) due to compressors working mechanically at 100% of their capacity and because the unit adapts to below nominal condensation
  • Easy installation and maintenance
  • Low operation costs
  • No need for a machinery room

About RV Cooling Tech

Located in Etxebarri, Spain, RV Cooling Tech is specialised in the manufacturing of screw compressor packages, compact refrigeration chillers (EcoPack) and auxiliary elements for industrial refrigeration installations. The company also manufactures CMR units (Compact Machinery Room units- integrated compressor package, open flash economiser, HP recipient, surge drum, ammonia pumps, and power and control panel.)


By Silvia Scaldaferri

Dec 10, 2015, 15:05

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