Nina Masson: shecco - State of the Industry

published Jul 01, 2015 - 9 pages

Nina Masson, Deputy Managing Director at shecco and moderator of the session, gave insights into natural refrigerant trends in the food service industry and provided a detailed analysis of CO2 transcritical (TC) stores in North America. With 120+ CO2 TC stores in U.S. and Canada today, Masson anticipated the further uptake of natural refrigerants in the coming years on the back of further market and regulatory changes. Emerging market trends such as low charge NH3 systems and more energy efficie

Nina Masson, Deputy Managing Director at shecco and moderator of the session, gave insights into natural refrigerant trends in the food service industry and provided a detailed analysis of CO2 transcritical (TC) stores in North America. With 120+ CO2 TC stores in U.S. and Canada today, Masson anticipated the further uptake of natural refrigerants in the coming years on the back of further market and regulatory changes. Emerging market trends such as low charge NH3 systems and more energy efficient equipment were also discussed during her presentation.


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