The NatRefs Show: Episode 62!

This week we take a look at the upcoming vote on the California Cooling Act and the second CO2 transcritical store in Russia.

Brought to you by shecco Media, the NatRefs Show provides a round-up of the most important natural refrigerants news from the websites and

In this episode shecco's North American Editor Michael Garry joins shecco's European reporter Charlotte McLaughlin to discuss two important updates from the USA - ALDI US now has 130 stores with transcritical CO2 and the California Cooling Act will face its next hurdle in August.

Next we turn to Russia, where METRO has opened its first cash and carry with CO2 transcritical in the country.

Then we move further east to talk to our APAC reporter Devin Yoshimoto who gives an overview of a CO2 conference he attended in China. 

We’d love to hear your feedback as we improve the show. Contact us at Happy listening!

By Charlotte McLaughlin

Aug 06, 2018, 17:59

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