Accelerate America to launch industry awards

By Elke Milner, Jul 17, 2015, 17:02 2 minute reading

Accelerate America will be accepting nominations for its new Best in Sector and Person of the Year awards, which will be presented at ATMOsphere America 2016.

At ATMOsphere America 2015, Michael Garry, Editor, Accelerate America announced that the magazine will be presenting industry awards for the most progressive individuals and end users involved in the North American HVAC&R market.
I’m excited to announce this today and to really highlight the best use of natural refrigerants,” said Garry.
Premiering at ATMOsphere America 2016, Accelerate America will present two categories of awards: Best in Sector and Person of the Year. 
The Best in Sector awards will be presented to North American end users active in the food retail, food service and industrial sectors. The aim is to select an end user for each category that has gone above and beyond in advancing the adoption of natural refrigerant technologies in the previous year. 
In order for an end user location to be nominated for one of the three Best in Sector awards, it must either employ natural-refrigerant-based technology in new-build or retrofit installation completed between June 2015 and May 2016, or the nomination may be based on a study completed during this time period about an installation completed prior. In both cases, the installation must demonstrate:
  • A reduction in energy consumption
  • A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reproducibility  
  • A business case in terms of capital, installations, operation, maintenance and training, and a return on investment
Winners of the award will exhibit industry leadership through innovation, perseverance and a commitment to future installations.
Complementing the Best in Sector Awards, The Person of the Year Award will honour a single individual involved in the North American HVAC&R industry who has accomplished significant achievements in driving the adoption of natural refrigerant technology in the North American HVAC&R industry between June 2015 and May 2016. 
This award is open to any individual involved in the North America HVAC&R industry, including policy makers, academics and manufacturers, who has had an impact on development and/or implementation of natural refrigerant systems and has shown leadership in his/her organisation as well as within the industry.
During the May and June leading up to ATMOsphere America 2016, a panel of experts, assembled by shecco, will review the nominations. However, the selection is not restricted to nominations.
ATMOsphere America 2016 will host a special ceremony honouring the Accelerate Award winners for their contributions to the advancement of natural refrigerant technologies. 
In July 2016, a special Awards issue of Accelerate America will include special profiles of the recipients, highlighting their efforts and achievements.
How to nominate
Nominations are welcome from January - April 2016 via a dedicated section of Nominations must include the name and company of the nominee, for which category the nominee is being nominated and a reason for submission.
In the interim, any questions or comments may be sent to Michael Garry, editor, at


By Elke Milner

Jul 17, 2015, 17:02

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