HB Products’ new sensors help avoid liquid overflow “nightmare”

By Elke Milner, Mar 10, 2015, 10:29 2 minute reading

HB Products’ new HBPC compressor protection sensor measures the condition of gas and liquid refrigerant in a refrigeration system to prevent damage from liquid refrigerant entering compressors in ammonia and other systems.

In the old-charactered town of Dissen, Germany, a large food manufacturer is in the midst of a refrigeration system overhaul as it retires an out-dated and costly R-22 system and makes the transition to a new NH3 system to be installed by Arctos Industriekälte. The food manufacturer is undergoing a transition phase during which Arctos Industriekälte installed four HBCP compressor protection sensors from HB products to minimise service costs for the compressors in the time before the NH3 installation is complete. 
The Freon system is riddled with issues such as faulty expansion valves, including broken capillaries, dirt in orifices, and low superheat, which often causes liquid to carry over into the compressor.
Saving costs and resting easy
The costs of buying and installing the compressor protection sensors were limited and easily covered by the savings afforded by the lack of maintenance and servicing required.  Fitting the sensors did not take much time. 
According to HB Products, liquid overflow is a system owner’s worst nightmare:
Once a liquid overflow begins, so does the discussion with the system manufacturer and/or the compressor manufacturer on the apportionment of liability. Apart from servicing costs, additional costs can easily add up for the days when refrigeration system is out of order.” 
With HB Products’ new HBCP compressor protection sensors, though, system owners can rest easy. The patent-pending sensor technology is compatible with ammonia and other refrigerants, and according to HB Products, is the first in the world capable of measuring the condition of gas and liquid refrigerant in a refrigeration system. The sensor detects gas quality at the intake of the compressors and by means of the setup of the control system, liquid refrigerant entering and causing damage to moving parts can be eliminated.
Highly sensitive sensor technology 
The sensors are highly sensitive and can detect even small liquid droplets before they become critical to the compressor, and their low reaction time ensures compressors do not become damaged. In the event of liquid hammer, an alarm is sent to the compressor control which signals an emergency stop to the compressor. 
Uniquely, the sensor features built-in data logs that save all alarms, allowing the sensor to function as a “black box”, which can be read by connecting a PC.
About HB Products
For over 25 years, HB Products has specialised in the development and production of sensors for industrial refrigeration systems. HB sensors are found on compressors, receivers, separators etc. HB has attained a strong global position as a result of their ability to think in terms of new technological solutions, create trustworthy products, and provide a high level of service. For further information please visit www.hbproducts.dk


By Elke Milner

Mar 10, 2015, 10:29

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