By Klara Skačanová, Aug 02, 2012, 15:58 • 3 minute reading
In the 2012 interim Cool Technologies paper, Greenpeace outlines successful HFC- free installations, such as ammonia applications in various companies across the world. The report keeps track of new HFC-free installations and updates are being done constantly.
Key findings of the interim report of the 2012 edition of ‘Cool Technologies: Working Without HFCs’ were also presented by Janos Mate from Greenpeace at the ATMOsphere Bangkok 2012, side-event to the 32nd Open-Ended Working Group meeting on 27 July 2012. In his presentation he emphasised the accelerating trend of adopting HFC-free technologies, which could also be reflected in terms the progressive broadening of the report. While in 1995, when the survey was launched, the report had only up to 7 pages, this year’s edition will have more than 90 once finalised in November 2012.
Industrial applications of ammonia
Ammonia is typically used in a variety of industrial cooling applications. The report notes that Europe is at a forefront of using ammonia in industrial processes as well as for space heating.
Some recent examples presented in the report include:
Examples of companies using CO2/ammonia cascade systems in supermarkets:
Ammonia in food distribution centers is also widely used in North America by retailers such as Sobey’s in Canada, Stop & Shop ad Target in the United States. The report also takes note of Tesco Lotus, the first fresh-food distribution center in Thailand running completely on ammonia as a refrigerant.
Send your input to update the report
The ‘Cool Technologies’ report is being updated on a continuous basis with new data from around the world. The final version of the 2012 edition is expected to be published in November 2012, during the 24th Meeting of Parties to Montreal Protocol in Geneva, Switzerland. Greenpeace welcomes information regarding new examples of HFC-free technologies, such as ammonia. Please feel free to forward them to 02, 2012, 15:58
Aug 02, 2012, 15:58
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