Coming soon: AIR – Experts in critical process refrigeration systems

By Sabine Lobnig, Apr 16, 2009, 10:48 2 minute reading

American Industrial Refrigeration will soon presents its services regarding critical process refrigeration systems, including design and installation of ammonia systems in the industrial refrigeration sector, on

American Industrial Refrigeration (AIR) is building on more than 30 years of special expertise in the field of engineering and design-build services for industrial refrigeration systems. To develop high-performing ammonia systems, the US-based company applies latest refrigeration equipment and technologies, while always focusing on the main issues of power consumption, safety, capacity, maintenance and space use. The ultimate goal: to optimize the production capacity, efficiency and operating cost in all of their projects.

AIR’s engineering services can include all types of support required, such as the conceptual planning with external engineers or interfacing and developing procurement with AIR's own engineers. To ensure an efficient project management, a trained and experienced construction management team plans the application of components, personnel and equipment. The use of advanced technology allows AIR to always adapt to changing conditions and to produce the highest performance refrigeration system possible.


“American Industrial Refrigeration (AIR) joins forces with for one simple reason – sustainability! As a company, we offer 30 plus solid years of dedicated design and installation of ammonia systems in the industrial refrigeration market. will benefit us as we prepare for another 30 years as an ammonia industry specialist. Continuing to support a refrigerant, which is ozone friendly, simply makes sense. AIR is highly visible within IIAR (International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration) and continues as a strong advocate of ammonia systems to meet current and long term customer needs”, says Mike Riker, VP of Operations.

About AIR

AIR was founded in 1978 and is specialised in design engineering, mechanical contracting, and maintenance, as well as educational services for refrigeration systems in industrial plants. With over 30 years of experience, AIR’s capabilities comprise today the entire spectrum of food-grade process plant applications. Its expertise ranges from utility systems for food grade process plants over factory-fabricated NH3 skids to engineering and design-build services for industrial refrigeration systems.


By Sabine Lobnig

Apr 16, 2009, 10:48

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