The world's first two stage CO2 transcritical refrigeration system at a food processing p

published Oct 13, 2011 - 0 pages

The suggested case study deals with a world first two stage CO2 transcritical refrigeration plant project. The new two stage transcritical CO2 refrigeration plant replaces independent cooling and heating systems comprising air cooled single stage HCFC and HFC condensing units for one blast freezer, one cold store, two chillers, one process chilled water chiller and four reverse cycle AC units, six R134a air to water heat pumps, three gas fired water heaters and two sets of

The suggested case study deals with a world first two stage CO2 transcritical refrigeration plant project. The new two stage transcritical CO2 refrigeration plant replaces independent cooling and heating systems comprising air cooled single stage HCFC and HFC condensing units for one blast freezer, one cold store, two chillers, one process chilled water chiller and four reverse cycle AC units, six R134a air to water heat pumps, three gas fired water heaters and two sets of electric under floor and door heaters for the existing blast freezer and cold store, a total of 22 independent systems. The project was supported financially by the Australian Government’s Federal Department of Industry to the tune of 50% under the government’s commendable “Retrofitting for Climate Change” programme.


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